Frequently Asked Questions

Sunrider Business
How can I learn more about the Sunrider opportunity?
Please visit the Sunrider website to view the video “Why Choose Sunrider?” You may also fill out the Contact Us form and a Business Service Representative will be happy to share the opportunity with you.
What are the differences between a Retail Customer, a Preferred Customer, and an IBO (Independent Business Owner)?
Become a Sunrider Retail Customer for free -Buy Sunrider® products directly from Sunrider and enjoy online shopping access 24/7 at Retail Price.
Upgrade your status to Sunrider Preferred Customer by agreeing to the terms and paying a $19.95 enrollment fee. -Enjoy a 5% discount off Retail Prices on every purchase -Enjoy a 10% discount on Subscription orders exceeding $100. -As a Preferred Customer, you can keep your account active by accumulating $200 in purchases once during each 12-month period. -In addition to these benefits, you can also earn points in the PC Reward Program.
Become an IBO for $29.95 -A Sunrider IBO is someone who wants to build a Sunrider business and participate in Sunrider’s Infinity Compensation Plan -Enjoy a 15% discount off of Retail Prices.
If I am a Retail Customer or a Preferred Customer, how can I upgrade to an IBO?
To become a Sunrider IBO, click the “Join Us” link and follow the instructions.
Am I required to “Join” Sunrider in order to purchase your products?
Yes, to enjoy the convenience of buying company-direct from our full inventory of products you will need to to join as a Retail Customer.
Can I join as an IBO just to get the best discount?
No, you should only join as an IBO if you are excited about the business opportunity and want to earn an income by selling and sharing Sunrider with others. You can also join as a Preferred Customer and enjoy a 5–10% discount off Retail Prices.
Where can I find a local Sunrider Independent Business Owner to buy from locally?
Please contact a Sunrider Business Service Representative by emailing: info@sunrider.com
What are Sunrider’s business hours and contact information?
Hours of operation: Order Department (310) 222-6363 is open Monday–Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm PT, Business Center: Monday–Friday: 9:30am to 4:30 pm PT, and our Business Services Department: (310) 781-8096 is open Monday–Friday: 8:00am to 4:00 pm PT.
Orders & Shipping
If I am a Retail Customer, a Preferred Customer, or an IBO, how can I buy Sunrider® products?
You may purchase Sunrider® products directly by phone, mail, and from Sunrider's website.
Phone To place an order, call the order line at (310) 222-6363, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, PT.
Mail Send your order form with payment by credit card in your name, personal check, bank draft, money order, or cashier's check payable to Sunrider International. Please include your name, shipping address, telephone number, ID number, and method of shipping, to: Order Department Sunrider International 1625 Abalone Ave. Torrance, CA 90501
To qualify for a given month, mail orders must be received by Sunrider no later than the last day of the given month.
Shop Online You can purchase from our website and choose regular or express shopping. You may only purchase products from the country you reside and are registered in.
What is Subscription?
Subscription is a recurring order that is shipped to you monthly on the date of your choice. IBOs, Preferred Customers, and Retail Customers can choose to have Subscription monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly. Our Subscription Program offers exclusive benefits to our Preferred Customers, such as an additional 5% discount (10% total discount off Retail) when your monthly Subscription Order product value is at least $100 before applicable sales tax . Additional discount is only valid on monthly and bi-monthly Subscriptions.
How do I register for a monthly Subscription order?
Existing Sunrider Customers and IBOs can choose to enroll in our Monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly Online Subscription Ordering Program when shopping on Sunrider’s website. This provision is not available for phone orders.
Which shipping options do you offer?
The most frequently used option is UPS Ground; however, we also offer USPS Priority Mail and FedEx. We also offer overnight and second and third day express shipping services from UPS and FedEx
What payment cards can be used to pay for Sunrider orders?
Domestic credit and debit cards only: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. We also accept PayPal on our website.
How do I register my Sunrider Gift Card before I place an order?
Sunrider Gift Card Activation steps: Log in to your Shop Online page and Click on “Your Account.” Click on “Register Gift Card.” Enter the 16-digit gift card number (no dashes). Enter the 8-digit PIN. Click “Apply.” You will notice the dollar amount change under “Current Gift Card Balance.”
Product Information
Can I ship Sunrider® products out of the USA and its territories?
No, Sunrider USA only ships within the United States and its territories.
Where can I find more detailed product explanations than what I see on the Shop Online page and in the product catalog?
Our "Product Fact Sheets" provide in-depth information on most of our products. You must be a Retail Customer, Preferred Customer, or IBO to access this information.
What are Sunrider's most popular products?
Our most popular products include Calli®, NuPlus®, Quinary®, Fortune Delight®, SunnyDew®, SunBreeze®, SunTrim® Shake, Smart Gummy®, SunTrim® Plus, SunBar®, VitaShake®, Alpha 20C®, Evergreen®, VitaDophilus®, Conco®, Veros®, Bella®, Oi-Lin® Eye Cream, Kandesn® Hand Cleansing Gel, Dr. Chen® Youth Masque, Dr. Chen® Youth Emulsion, SunSmile® Fruit & Vegetable Rinse, SunSmile® Herbal Toothpaste, and many others.
If I take Sunrider® herbal products, can I stop taking my medication?
No! You should continue taking your medication and inform your doctor you are consuming Sunrider® herbal products. You should only stop taking your medication when your doctor advises you to do so. Sunrider® herbal products are intended to nourish the body and improve overall health, not to treat or cure specific diseases or to replace medication.
Are Sunrider® products safe?
Yes! If you can eat normal meals, you also can consume Sunrider® products.* Many herbal products on the market are ineffective and some may even be dangerous. However, Sunrider's products are safe, superior, and effective because of very important differences, such as:
-Formulation and Owners' Expertise: Experts in herbal nutrition and medicine, Drs. Tei-Fu and Oi-Lin Chen personally formulate Sunrider's exclusive products. Sunrider uses only the finest herbs that have been proven to be safe and effective for centuries of use in traditional Chinese herbal medicine. This is why Sunrider does not manufacture unhealthy or ""fad"" products. -Thorough Research: Sunrider's formulations are the result of thorough research in our state-of-the-art labs. This ensures the safety and efficacy of each product. -Extraction and Concentration: Rather than simply grinding the herbs and packaging them, Sunrider maximizes the effectiveness of the herbs and retains essential elements and ingredients through its trade-secret extraction and concentration process. -Quality Control & Self-Manufacturing: Sunrider guarantees stringent quality control and the safety of its products by manufacturing them its own state-of-the-art facilities. Other companies often use subcontractors and cannot supervise the quality-control procedures used to manufacture their products. Once you try our products, you'll discover that Sunrider® herbal foods and dietary supplements are simply the best for your body.
If you are under a doctor's supervision, please consult your doctor before beginning a new food program.
Why are there warnings on some product labels?
The materials contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The information should not be considered legal advice and is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. This website contains general information and is not a substitute for legal advice from a qualified attorney licensed in the appropriate jurisdiction.
Occasionally Sunrider IBOs ask why some of our labels and marketing literature contain warnings such as those found on our SPF products. They feel that because our products are safe there is no need for warnings and are worried that warnings might even hurt sales. While it is true that our products are safe and manufactured according to our strict quality control standards, federal and/or state law sometimes requires certain products sold in the U.S. to carry very specific warning statements.
For instance, all products that contain a sun protection factor (SPF) are considered to be over-the-counter drugs (OTCs) by the FDA and are required to carry a warning on the label that includes a statement that the product is for external use only, should be kept out of the reach of children, and to discontinue use of the product if irritation or a rash appears. Therefore, because products such as Oi-Lin® Natural Emulsion contain an SPF of 30, Sunrider complies with the law by carrying the required warning on the label.
Even some dietary supplements require a warning if certain ingredients are in the product. California state law requires a very specific statement regarding the possible laxative effect of Cassia tora even if there has never been a complaint about a particular product containing this botanical. Therefore, because Cassia tora is one of the ingredients in Sunrider's SportCaps® dietary supplement, the required warning appears on the label and has since 1998 without a negative effect on sales.
Sunrider strives to make the very best products in compliance with all state and federal laws. Therefore, any warnings appearing on our product labels or in our literature should be viewed with confidence because it demonstrates Sunrider's concern for the safety and well-being of our IBOs.
I bought some of your products from a friend, and I see a "Prop 65 Warning" on some of them. Why?
All Sunrider® products are safe! However, the state of California has set labeling standards that are much higher than any other state and even than the FDA. For a complete explanation, please click here.
What is Sunrider’s Product Return Policy and Procedure?
14-Day Return Policy: Customers may return products to Sunrider for reimbursement if they send the products, original packing materials, and shipping invoice to Sunrider within 14 days of the receipt. Prior to the return of any products, Customers must first contact the Sunrider Business Service Department informing them of the return and the reason. A note must then be included with the return; the note must include your ID number, invoice number, and reason of the return. If the return is due to shipping discrepancy or product damage, Sunrider has the option, at its sole discretion, to provide a refund or replace the product(s). Failure to submit a request for reimbursement within 14 days of receipt might result in denial of a claim.
Returns should be sent by common carrier. Sunrider will reimburse the Customer for the purchase price of the products minus any applicable processing fees and/or research fees. Postage for returns will not be refunded.
Sunrider cannot be held responsible for product return information that is illegible, incomplete, or incorrect. If such a return is processed, the Customer will be charged a $25 per hour research fee, with a minimum of $25.
If a product is not damaged or defective, but is returned due to Customer dissatisfaction, Sunrider will not process a future order by the Customer for the same product.
A complete street address with a current phone number is necessary to ensure prompt delivery of product shipments. Sunrider will assess a 10% processing fee for all undeliverable or refused shipments. Sunrider will make every effort to ensure prompt delivery but cannot be held responsible for delayed shipments. Members must confirm 1) that the product received matches the product listed on the shipping invoice, and 2) that the product is not damaged.
For shipping inquiries or lost orders please contact the Sunrider Business Service Department at (310) 781-8096 or via email atinfo@sunrider.com.
Damaged/Defective Product Return Policy Damaged or defective products must be returned within 14 days of receipt. Failure to comply with the 14-day requirement will result in denial of the claim. When returning damaged or defective products to Sunrider, the Retail Customer, Preferred Customer, or IBO making the return must include the Shipping Discrepancy or Damage Claim Form, packing materials, copies of shipping documents, and a copy of the invoice. The person making the return may request either replacement of the same products or a product credit.
60-Day Return Policy Retail Customers, Preferred Customers, and IBOs must submit product returns for non-damaged and unopened products within 60 days of original purchase from Sunrider for reasons other than damaged or defective products. Sunrider is under no obligation to process a return or provide a refund for any product returned after this 60-day period.
Sunrider will reimburse the Retail Customers, Preferred Customers, and IBOs for the purchase price of the products minus any applicable processing and research fees.
Any bonuses paid to IBOs based on the original purchase of returned products will be deducted from the reimbursed amount. Sunrider has sole discretion to subject IBOs to monetary, CV, and QV deductions on returned products. Upline IBOs may be subject to monetary, CV, and QV deductions based on bonuses previously paid by Sunrider on the returned purchases.
Extra Product Returns: In the event that Sunrider inadvertently ships products that were not included in a product order, Retail Customers, Preferred Customers, and IBOs who choose to keep the extra products must provide full payment for the extra products to Sunrider. Those who choose not to keep the extra products should return them as soon as possible to Sunrider with a completed Shipping Discrepancy or Damage Claim Form and a copy of the invoice.
Are Sunrider® products organic?
Although our products are GMO-free and chemical- and pesticide-free, our exclusive formulas are proprietary in how they are made (cannot be copied), and as you can understand, we wish to protect our trade secrets that Dr. Chen has worked so hard to develop. Unfortunately, the USDA requires that all companies (seeking organic certification) provide the USDA with not only a complete list of ingredients, but they also require that all of their respective “trade secret formula” information be disclosed to them as well, which can eventually be made public. Revealing such information is unappealing to many companies who sell more than single food/herb items, which is why it is common to find organic options for such basic products such as ketchup and mustard, yet not so common when it comes to combination herbal formulations. Because Dr. Chen highly values the exclusivity of our amazing Sunrider® products, we are thus not seeking organic certification at this time.
Are Sunrider® products gluten-free?
We certainly realize that gluten in food is a very serious concern for a growing number of people today. And although gluten is naturally occurring in some grains such as wheat, oats, and barley, you'll be glad to know that relatively few Sunrider® foods contain any grains (a few products that do contain wheat, barley or oats are: SunFit® Protein Plus, SunBars, VitaShake® Strawberry, Energy Plus®, and Metabalance 44®). However, some of our products that do not contain any such grains are: Fortune Delight®, Calli®, NuPlus®, VitaShake® Cocoa, and SunTrim® Shake. Generally, we do not test for gluten in Sunrider® products. However, any product that contains one or more grains, will have the information clearly printed in the ingredients on the "Supplement Facts" panel of the label on the product packaging (box, bottle, etc), and such products should be avoided by those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
Are Sunrider® products halal?
Yes, we proudly display the halal-certified logo on our packaging. To view a complete listing of our halal-certified products, please visit the Halal Product Directory on the IFANCA website and find Sunrider International
Are Sunrider® products kosher certified?
Kosher-Certified Products: Sunrider understands that kosher-certified products are important to many of its IBOs and consumers. Therefore, many of the products manufactured by Sunrider Manufacturing, L.P. are certified kosher by Star-K, one of the most respected kosher-certification agencies in the world. Sunrider® products that are certified by Star-K are also certified by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, which is the supreme Jewish religious governing body in the state of Israel, controlling many aspects of life, including kosher certification.
Sunrider® Products Certified by Star-K: Star-K Certification documents, which include complete listings of kosher-certified Sunrider® products, can be viewed here (PDF 1&2).
Kosher Criteria & Sunrider Quality: The barometer of Kosher and non-Kosher depends primarily on two variables: the source of the ingredients and the status of the production equipment. Kosher certification, which is the guarantee that the food meets kosher requirements, revolves around these two criteria. Sunrider self-manufactures its products in state-of-the-art facilities, with the highest quality control and carefully formulates all of its products. These factors contribute to achieving kosher certification and to the uncompromised quality of all Sunrider® products.
Questions or Comments about Kosher Certification: If you have any questions or comments about kosher certification, please view the Star-K contact list here.